¿A skill I admire? ... mmm.... definitly it's a people who dance. ¿Why? Because the corporal control is amazig! Memorize all the choreography and coordinations whit other people or their dance partner it's very difficult, it requires many hours of practice and a good physical conditions. I dance too but not much, I dance in a disco or with a friend, but when I try to dance feel strange in my body and I do not dance like a would like 😞 Other reason why I admire the dancers is the personality they have to dance front of many people, I'm a shameful person, I get very nervous when I have to be in front other people. In a future I would like to dance, I would really like to learn the choreography of the groups that like. The K-pop group have many choreography, some very difficult and other easy, I can't learn any complete 😕 I need practice more but in my free time I watch series, anime or play online games, the dance not is my priority and don't have space, my apartament it's very small to dance, but I still don't lose hope that someday I will learn some of my favorite choreography, for example: Lullaby of GOT7 (I would really like to learn all his choreography) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgA9zvfVJtg and Killing me of IKON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6_j0LqPIXk.

Lullaby, GOT7

Killing me, IKON

Lullaby, GOT7

Killing me, IKON
Just dance for fun--even in your small apartment. If you don't have much space, you can learn to dance in a small space (which is a skill too). This can help you to feel less inhibited, and it will let you just enjoy the movement...