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Spirit of Sweet Water

A long time ago... well not so much... when I was a little gilr,  I lived in the country, in south of Chile.  My house was on the top a hill.  At the bottom is a small lake called Sweet Water . My mom and my dad told me about a spirit that lived in the Sweet Water , the people said that the sprirt was a woman. The  Mapuche culture  always protecs the natural spaces because in these places spirits sometimes live, the Sweet Water was one.  A long time ago  the people went to that place to wash clothes and for their animals to drink water, but my great grandfather did not like people to do that, so he decided to dry the Sweet Water , he made a large ditch so that the water would come out, the Sweet Water he made smaller but it did not dry.  The spirit of Sweet Water was angry and he left, and to my great grandfather only bad things happened to him like one of his daughters died, another one went ceazy, and another went to live very far a...
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Panda is the most adorable animal in the world

I like animals. I like cats, dogs, bear, snake, bird... all the animal.... almost every.... I don't like much spider but exist spider beautiful for example this  Well... If I need to choose one animals, I choose the Panda. ¿Why? Because is adorable. The Panda is a bear lives in China.  Her chinese name is literally "big bear cat" I think it is because the panda is very ridiculous like the cat. The Panda  have two color, only black and  white and it is easy recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around it's eyes, over the ears, and across it's round body.  The Pandas are very fat, they love food,   Panda's diet is primarily herbivorous, consisting almost exclusively of bamboo, I don't understand why the Panda is fat if he eats only vegetables. The Panda is a vulnerable specie, they depend of conservation-reliant. The humans destroy  their homes and capure them, they are very popular animals is for that reason they are t...

My favourite series (Top 3)

Hello everybody, my name is Ayelen and I study cinema and television in the university of Chile, this is reason why I like see movies and series, I really like anime, k-dramas, and series of USA or England. Today I will write about my favourite series from around the world so you them see. In this list I don't want to put popular series that everybody knows like Game of Thrones (the books are more funny and interesting than TV serie but the series is a good production and adaptation of the books), or Braking bad , or  Daredevil, or Vikings, Shingeki no Kyogjin  and Narcos (the last three I don't see them yet). Let's go! 1. My mad fat diary This is a british series, released in 2013, has very few chapters. This series is about Reachel, a girl to have problems with her body and her weight, this series is about his story of superation and his psychological problems but always treat with humor... black humor... It's very interesting and funny story. It's like   se...

A good day

This is my favorite photography. This photography took my father when I was five years old. This photograph has a history behind. A long time ago, my father, my mother, my dog Tom and me we went to the beach of Papudo, we lived there, was winter and we went for a walk on the sand until you reach a pool of water between some rocks. When my parents did not see me I ran to the waterhole, this was my favorite place to swim in the summer. My parents saw me and inmediately knew my plans. "Noooo" said my mom.... "Noooo" said my dad.... and I looked at both and... I TREW!! It was winter, I guess it was not cold at that time, I guess I was happy. My father give me his jacket and after took this picture. Until today my parents still scold me for that.  This was a good day.

A skill I admire

¿A skill I admire? ... mmm.... definitly it's a people who dance. ¿Why? Because the corporal control is amazig!  Memorize all the choreography and coordinations whit other people or their dance partner it's very difficult, it requires many hours of practice and a good physical conditions. I dance too but not much, I dance in a disco or with a friend, but when I try to dance feel strange in my body and I do not dance like a would like 😞 Other reason why I admire the dancers is the personality they have to dance front of many people, I'm a shameful person, I get very nervous when I have to be in front other people. In a future I would like  to dance, I  would really like to learn the choreography of the groups that like. The K-pop group have many choreography, some very difficult and other easy, I can't learn any complete 😕 I need practice more but in my free time I watch series, anime or play online games, the dance not is my priority and don't have space,  my apar...

My dream Job

My dream job is a funny job, i don't like the rutine because it's repetitive, every day it's same and that is boring, I need my job to be interesting, funny and I can learn. I would like my work to take me to travel the world and know other contries and cultures. I have traveld through very few contries (Argentina and Brazil) because I don't have money for to trip, that is why my ideal work has to allow me to know the world and my country too. I really would like what my future job have few work hours, in Chile the work hours are very long it's tired,  I like to work but I also like  to rest. This are reason why I'm studing Cinema and Televisión, because It's not repetitive, I can travel around the world if I want or work in an office If a get tired of traveling and all the movie, series, music video... every project is interesting and a challenge. I hope that working conditions improve over the years. But I have a plan B. If I don't have work or is ver...

The Photocopy is the best tecnology

The photocopy is a machine awesome, is usually used to copy books. Before this invention the text and notes were copied by hand, it must have been really boring. Today the photocopier is everywhere, for example, in the school the teacher they use the photocopy for copy test and note for class, in the university the students they use the photocopy for copy complete books because is more chip than buy the books in the bookstore.  In the last time due to technological advances the photocopier has evolved, like scaner and printer, this machine in the present can make so many things. Today they are printer 3D, this is a new technology  that allows you to copy or creates objects. I think thi new technology is revolucionary for humanity because doctors and veterinary can make prostheses for person or animals, and if this continues to evolve, in the future will exist tissue replicas can be made and both animals and people can recover lost limbs. can you imagine it? I do not know m...